“What’s infuriating about manipulations by the Non Profit Industrial Complex is that they harvest the goodwill of the people, especially young people. They target those who were not given the skills and knowledge to truly think for themselves by institutions which are designed to serve the ruling class. Capitalism operates systematically and structurally like a cage to raise domesticated animals. Those organizations and their projects which operate under false slogans of humanity in order to prop up the hierarchy of money and violence are fast becoming some of the most crucial elements of the invisible cage of corporatism, colonialism and militarism.” – Hiroyuki Hamada

Recently my Facebook page and mainstream media both seem to be full of articles and praise for the young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. Now I’ll start by saying that I’m sure her intentions are honourable, I’m sure that she is one hundred percent genuine and indeed that the effects of climate change are real – although the cause of climate change is not necessarily clear as the conclusion in this excellent recent research paper shows: Propagation of Error and the Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projections concluding as it does with the sentance ‘ The unavoidable conclusion is that a temperature signal from anthropogenic CO2 emissions (if any) cannot have been, nor presently can be, evidenced in climate observables. ‘ Although personally I do believe that we have to accept the 97% climate scientist consensus that global warming is caused by human activity.
The claim by her mother that ‘She can see carbon dioxide with the naked eye. She sees how it flows out of chimneys and changes the atmosphere in a landfill‘ should ring a few alarm bells. Incidentally her mother is Swedish opera singer and celebrity Malena Ernman who has apparently made 10 albums and had two hit singles and appeared in the Eurovision contest. Her father is actor Svante Thunberg, while her grandfather is actor and director Olof Thunberg.

However, she is being manipulated by the world’s financial elites, via vehicles like large environmental NGOs, to serve a pre-existing agenda having more to do with expanding capitalism than reversing or mitigating climate change. Basically she and most of the public (including possibly you dear reader) are being ‘played’.
Much of this is detailed in very great depth by independent reporter Cory Morningstar. This is published here, unfortunately it is a very dense and detailed read; but for anyone wishing to examine what is really going on I would suggest ‘sticking with it’.
Since writing this I’ve found a series of podcasts where these (well the first ones anyway) are read
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
As an aside I can find very little, anywhere on the internet, on how much money is actually funding this 15/16 year old’s well orchestrated publicity jaunt around the world. Update (26.09.19) Cory Morningstar has done another excellent piece examining the government organisations, companies and non profit organisations who are involved. It can be read here.
I never actually thought I’d find myself agreeing with Jeremy Clarkson who wrote; Anyway, this means that Miss Thingamajig will have to go to New York, and obviously she can’t use a plane, because she’ll be called a hypocrite. So this, then, is her opportunity to show the world that there are practical, sensible alternatives to a quick seven-hour flight on a Boeing 747. And she’s done just that, saying that she will make the trip on a 60ft racing yacht.
Naturally, this has made all her disciples very happy, but hang on a minute. What’s the message? That the half a million people who fly every day from Europe to America should use a £15m yacht instead? It gets worse, because if you examine the yacht she’s using, it’s not as green as you might imagine. First of all, it is equipped with a diesel engine. Ha. You didn’t know that I knew that, but I do. And second, it’s made mostly from carbon fibre, which cannot be recycled effectively and which uses 14 times more energy to produce than steel. Which can be recycled very easily indeed.
Some good points Jeremy even if I do think you are part of the problem.
For anyone who doesn’t have the time to read all the articles I linked to I would suggest that you listen the interview with Cory Morningstar starting at about 8.20
There is no point me repeating much of what Cory has already published; if you are truly interested you will read it, assess it and formulate your own opinions. If you can’t be arsed well stick to the Daily Mail and the other main stream establishment propaganda and keep your head in the sand.
But Greta Thunberg is being strategically exploited by the World Bank, the UN, and the non-profit industrial complex that serves the ruling classes. They are using her to advance their own self-interests and objectives – that are in direct opposition to everything this young woman articulates. This is being presented as a “leaderless movement” – very much the “New Power” methodology and religion for the capitalists – theorized by Jeremy Heimans (Avaaz/Purpose) for mass movement building – that serves the most powerful and destructive forces on the planet.
The manipulation of young, malleable minds is at the foundation of Western indoctrination in order to insulate a failing system and mask the market solutions being designed to address it. Market “solutions” that benefit the rich at the expense of the environment. Hence, the youth are always the sacrificial lambs of the profit and non-profit industrial complex.
One must question anything applauded by the Royal families of Europe, or by billionaires in general. Those billionaires will not betray their class, rest assured. The billionaires and corporate interests behind Greta Thunberg are not looking to help the poor and working class; they are looking for massive land grabs and further raids on pensions, social security, and what’s left of working class and socialist movements. Big money orchestrating the Thunberg phenomenon. The ruling class stick together.
Conspiracy theory used to be reserved for invisible helicopters and such, now it’s simply any class analysis. Anytime someone points out who is funding a project there are cries of conspiracy theory.
Why would any rational person look at the Greta phenomenon and not grasp that it is manufactured? There is a lot of money behind this girl. But the non-profit industrial complex, the UN, the World Bank and IMF — they don’t do things altruistically. Capitalism is investment, not virtue. Capitalism created the crisis, it won’t solve it.
Greta is not anti-capitalist. She may say a few things that suggest, vaguely, an anti-capitalist sensibility, but the reality (which is what Morningstar provides) is that she works for big money, corporations and FOR capitalism.
Edit: Just after posting this link I came across this article and this article which kind of echoes my thougths.
Here are some more articles in a similar vein
The Creation of Greta
Greta Inc.
Unpacking Extinction Rebellion — Part I: Net-zero Emissions
Unpacking Extinction Rebellion — Part II: Goals and Tactics
Unpacking Extinction Rebellion — Part III: The 4th Industrial Revolution
Veritable Uprising or the (Faux) Real Thing?
Connecting the Dots (which was so good that I borrowed a bit to update the above)