We eventually moved to Wales at the end of November 2010 just a few days before the worst weather in the UK since the 1960’s set in. Luckily we had deliveries of oil and wood soon after moving otherwise we would have had a very cold time as the lanes around here were impassable and we did not even have post delivered for nearly a month.
The house is very easy to keep warm and we only had one mishap with the water freezing in the UV filter outside. John, ever resourceful, soon had that sorted out and it is now insulated. We were lucky as some of our friends were without water for several days.
The snow may be a nuisance but it was certainly very beautiful around here on the hills and trees so we took advantage of it with local walks to take some photographs.
Just read most of your blog. Interesting parallels, as we bought a smallholding in the Shropshire Hills in October 2010. Cannot afford to retire for a few years yet, but we are planning to create something moderately sustainable as a refuge from London (where I will be working on my return from Japan at the end of the year).
Shame some of the older photographs are not showing up / giving 404 File not Found error messages as John’s photography is excellent. Look forward to reading more.
Edit: (By John) Sorry about the photos which seem to have got lost when the blog was transferred from the WordPress server to our own server. Good job I’m not responsible for the NHS IT system; then on reflection I probably couldn’t make a bigger cock up!